Bible Studies

Lectio: Eucharist

Lectio: Eucharist: Discovering the Mass in the Bible
Acclaimed author and teacher Dr. Brant Pitre digs down to the biblical roots of the Eucharist, through its foreshadowing in the miraculous events of the Old Testament, the Gospels, and Apostolic teaching.

"The Lamb of God," "The Bread of Life," "The Body and the Blood of Christ"... these are phrases we know from the Mass. But do we understand what they mean in the greater and deeper context of Scripture and Church teaching? We'll discover firsthand how Christ's Body and Blood are an integral and wondrous part of God's plan for our salvation.

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Session 1: Source and Summit

Session 2: In the Beginning

Session 3: Lamb of God

Session 4: Miracles of the Exodus

Session 5: Mysteries of the Tabernacle

Session 6: Miracles of Jesus

Session 7: Bread of Life Discourse

Session 8: The Last Supper and the Cross

Session 9: The Mass

Session 10: Revelation

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