Augustine INstitute

Graduate School of Theology

You have made us for yourself.
- Saint Augustine

Our Vision

Because we are made for God but cannot come to friendship with Him without His help, we possess what St. Augustine calls a cor inquietum, a restless heart, which will not come to rest until we seek Him and possess Him by way of the graces He provides to our powers of intellect, memory and will. To undertake this search in faith, hope and charity is the purpose of human existence.

Through intellectual formation in the Catholic faith, we help our students seek the Lord in hope, and we prepare them to give a joyful and compelling account of the faith in active charity. To join this community, whether on campus or via distance education, is to heed the Apostle’s exhortation to the Romans: “Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind” (12:2).

Our Curriculum

In all our programs of study, the Augustine Institute’s interdisciplinary curriculum is designed to lead students to the graced perfection of memory, intellect and will by a devoted study of Sacred Scripture, Sacred Doctrine, Church history, and the various arts of missionary discipleship. In this work of dedicated study, we are accompanied by the Fathers, Doctors, and Saints, as we strive to be formed by the Word of God in fidelity to the Church’s living Magisterium.

Our Graduates

Many of our graduates use their degrees in diocesan or parish work, primary or secondary Catholic education, and other apostolic or mission-oriented contexts. Some of our graduates go on for further academic study.

The Work of the Institute

The Graduate School is the heart of the Augustine Institute and collaborates fruitfully in the mission it shares with the Institute’s other efforts, including hosting the FORMED digital platform and producing a variety of Catholic media for catechesis and spiritual enrichment. The graduate school’s primary contribution to these and other parts of the life of the Institute is through study, teaching, mentoring, and research.

Scroll through the sections below to explore more about our graduate school.

Explore the Graduate School

Master of Arts: Theology

Faith seeking understanding.

Master of Arts: Theology with Concentration in Sacred Scripture

Put on the mind of Christ.

Master of Arts: Pastoral Theology

So also I send you.

Master of Arts: Catholic Education

“And he gave…teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.”

Master of Arts: Biblical Studies

“Every scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a house, who brings forth out of his treasure things new and old.”

Faculty and Staff

Our faculty and staff are distinguished for their fidelity, friendliness, and scholarship.


Our graduate school is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS).

On Campus in St. Louis

The on-campus experience offers vibrant, life-giving fellowship and a common life centered around the Mass.

Distance Education

Integrated with our on-campus community, our distance-education program is an example of how to do distance well.

Current Students

Important links, resources, and contact information are available for current students.

Prospective Students

Follow the wisdom of Christ and become an effective witness for the Church’s mission.