Sample Three Courses

Thinking about pursuing a master’s degree in theology, either online or in Denver? We invite you to take a look at the syllabi and short video segments from three of our courses.

View the Courses Below

Scripture 501: Salvation History

This course helps students to understand the unity of God’s plan of salvation from Creation to the Second Coming. By a thorough overview of the Old and New Testaments, this course introduces Catholic exegetical approaches and theological interpretation, aiding students in reading Scripture as the word of God. With a special focus on the themes of covenant and mission, the course illustrates how Jesus fulfills God’s promises and how he invites his followers to share in his work of evangelization.

Professor Israel McGrew, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Sacred Scripture, is currently writing a book on Job's parabolic dramatization of Israel's scriptural and mythological traditions titled, The Riddle of Job: Parabolic Argumentation in the Book of Job.

As he begins his treatment of the love poetry in the Song of Songs, Professor McGrew explore how the universal idea of love and the Jewish portrayal of love are elevated in the order of grace into the Sacrament of marriage.

Theology 501: The Rule of Faith

This course offers a synthetic summary of the symbolum fidei, the Christian Creed, with particular reference to its effective presentation in catechesis. It follows the outline of the Catechism of the Catholic Church while making reference to the biblical, liturgical and magisterial foundations of the doctrines and how they are manifested in the life of the Church.

Professor Christopher Mooney, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Theology, is a historical theologian specializing in Augustine and the Augustinian theological legacy, particularly regarding the nature of faith and grace.

Why is it fitting that the Trinity has three persons united in love? In this short segment from one of his lectures, Dr. Christopher Mooney introduces Richard of St. Victor’s analogy of the Trinity and walks the students through how God has perfect love within Himself.

Scripture 602: Psalms and Wisdom Literature

This course will explore the literature of worship and wisdom in the Old Testament. Through an in-depth engagement with these ancient texts in light of recent scholarship, students examine the historical background, literary provenance and poetic purposes of the diverse books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Sirach and Wisdom.

Professor Mark Giszczak, S.S.L., Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Sacred Scripture and the author of Light on the Dark Passages of Scripture (Our Sunday Visitor Publishing, 2015).

At this point of the course, Professor Giszczak is reflecting on the historical background, themes, and key passages from the book of Ezekiel.

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Anna Wessel

Admissions Counselor
303-937-4420 x969