Word of Life

Build Strong Catholics

Word of Life book series

Integrated Evangelizing Catechesis

Word of Life brings together faith and reason and demonstrates how the truths of the faith speak to the human heart.

The Word of Life curriculum responds to the 2020 Directory for Catechesis and its call to help Christians “give a complete meaning to their existence, educating them in a mentality of faith in keeping with the Gospel” (Directory, no. 77). Responding to the needs of contemporary culture and those of modern man requires an “evangelizing catechesis”. This catechesis centers on an initial proclamation of the kerygma.

Forming the Human Person

What makes Word of Life unique and impactful is its approach to the “formation of a Christian mentality” (Directory for Catechesis, no. 71), and how it creates “a coherent doctrinal vision that can be used as a reference in life” (Ibid., no. 80).

This new initiative is a rediscovery rather than a reinvention. Word of Life unites a faithful articulation of the faith as it is presented in the Catechism of the Catholic Church with, when necessary, esteemed sources in the living tradition of the Church to form a presentation of faith that is meaningful, practical, and intelligible for modern students.

People looking at computer with Word of Life program
The new evangelization in which the whole continent is engaged means that faith cannot be taken for granted, but must be explicitly proposed in all its breadth and richness. This is the principal objective of catechesis, which, by its very nature, is an essential aspect of the new evangelization. “Catechesis is a process of formation in faith, hope and charity; it shapes the mind and touches the heart, leading the person to embrace Christ fully and completely. It introduces the believer more fully into the experience of the Christian life, which involves the liturgical celebration of the mystery of the Redemption and the Christian service of others”.

St. John Paul IIEcclesia in America, no. 69,quoting Propositio, no. 10

Word of Life Core Components

  • Parish and school English and bilingual editions

  • Print and digital student texts and teacher manuals

  • Engaging online student interactions

  • Numerous video and digital media enhancements for use in the classroom and at home

  • Multilevel teacher and catechist formation

  • Parent and family faith formation

  • Provides flexibility for various catechetical models

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